September 19, 2024

The Academy Awards, or Oscars, remain the pinnacle of cinematic achievement, celebrating excellence in filmmaking. As we approach the 2024 Oscars, the buzz is palpable, with a diverse array of films vying for the coveted golden statuettes. This year’s contenders span various genres, themes, and styles, reflecting the dynamic nature of contemporary cinema. Here’s a preview of the standout films that are generating Oscar buzz and are likely to be nominated.

1. “Oppenheimer”

Director: Christopher Nolan
Starring: Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon

Christopher Nolan’s epic biographical drama “Oppenheimer” is a frontrunner this year. The film delves into the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist behind the atomic bomb, and explores the ethical and personal dilemmas he faced. Nolan’s masterful storytelling, combined with powerful performances—particularly by Cillian Murphy—makes “Oppenheimer” a strong contender in several categories, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.

2. “Killers of the Flower Moon”

Director: Martin Scorsese
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Lily Gladstone

Martin Scorsese’s latest film, “Killers of the Flower Moon,” is a historical drama based on the true events of the Osage murders in the 1920s. With a star-studded cast and Scorsese’s renowned directorial prowess, this film is expected to secure nominations for Best Picture, Best Director, and acting nods for DiCaprio and De Niro. Lily Gladstone’s performance has also garnered critical acclaim, positioning her as a potential nominee for Best Supporting Actress.

3. “Dune: Part Two”

Director: Denis Villeneuve
Starring: Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Rebecca Ferguson

Following the success of “Dune: Part One,” Denis Villeneuve’s continuation of the epic sci-fi saga is highly anticipated. “Dune: Part Two” promises to be a visual and narrative spectacle, continuing the story of Paul Atreides. With its sweeping cinematography, groundbreaking special effects, and strong performances, it is poised to receive nominations in technical categories as well as Best Picture, Best Director, and acting categories.

4. “Maestro”

Director: Bradley Cooper
Starring: Bradley Cooper, Carey Mulligan

“Maestro,” a biographical drama about the legendary composer Leonard Bernstein, marks Bradley Cooper’s return to the director’s chair. Cooper, who also stars in the film, delivers a compelling performance as Bernstein, with Carey Mulligan playing his wife, Felicia Montealegre. The film’s intimate portrayal of Bernstein’s life and music makes it a strong contender for Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Supporting Actress.

5. “Barbie”

Director: Greta Gerwig
Starring: Margot Robbie, Ryan Gosling

Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” has taken the cinematic world by storm, reimagining the iconic doll’s story with wit, humor, and social commentary. Margot Robbie’s portrayal of Barbie and Ryan Gosling’s Ken have been praised for their charm and depth. The film’s innovative approach and vibrant aesthetics make it a contender for Best Picture, Best Director, and acting categories for both Robbie and Gosling.

6. “The Color Purple”

Director: Blitz Bazawule
Starring: Fantasia Barrino, Danielle Brooks, Colman Domingo

A new adaptation of the beloved novel and musical, “The Color Purple,” directed by Blitz Bazawule, has garnered significant attention. With a powerful cast delivering heart-wrenching performances, this film is a strong contender for Best Picture and various acting awards. Its poignant storytelling and musical excellence are likely to resonate with both audiences and Academy voters.

7. “Past Lives”

Director: Celine Song
Starring: Greta Lee, Teo Yoo, John Magaro

Celine Song’s “Past Lives” is an evocative exploration of love, destiny, and the passage of time. This indie darling has captivated critics with its heartfelt narrative and nuanced performances by Greta Lee and Teo Yoo. The film’s introspective nature and emotional depth make it a potential nominee for Best Picture, Best Director, and acting categories.

Technical Achievements and Underdogs

Apart from these frontrunners, several films are expected to shine in technical categories. “Avatar: The Way of Water” continues to set benchmarks in visual effects, while “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” is a strong contender for Best Animated Feature. Additionally, indie gems and international films, such as “The Zone of Interest” by Jonathan Glazer, could surprise with nominations in various categories.


The 2024 Oscars promise to be an exciting celebration of cinematic excellence, with a rich tapestry of stories and performances. From historical dramas and biopics to innovative blockbusters and heartfelt indies, this year’s contenders showcase the diverse and dynamic landscape of filmmaking. As the anticipation builds, movie enthusiasts and industry insiders alike eagerly await the announcement of the nominations, setting the stage for a memorable awards season.

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